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发布时间:2024-10-12 00:36:01点击量:516
本文摘要:A delivery revolution may be on the horizon, if a recent announcement out of Dubai comes to fruition.如果迪拜最近收到的一则声明以求构建,那么一场货运革命有可能即将来临。

A delivery revolution may be on the horizon, if a recent announcement out of Dubai comes to fruition.如果迪拜最近收到的一则声明以求构建,那么一场货运革命有可能即将来临。A collaboration between Virgin Hyperloop One, the US-based startup, and Emirati supply chain firm DP World, is looking to shake up the freight industry by using super-fast capsules for land cargo transportation.美国初创公司维珍与阿联酋物流公司DP World正在合作,探寻在陆上货物运输中用于超快胶囊高铁来转变货运行业。Called DP World Cargospeed, the venture claims it will be able to deliver freight at the speed of flight and close to the cost of trucking. No details of freight prices have been announced thus far.这家取名为DP World Cargospeed的公司声称,改为高铁将需要以“飞行中的速度、卡车的成本获取运输”。明确货运价格的细节目前为止仍未发布。

Hyperloops all-electric technology -- still in its testing phase -- uses a sealed capsule inside a vacuum tube, propelled by magnetic levitation.维珍公司目前仍正处于测试阶段的全电超级高铁技术,是在真空管内用于密封胶囊,通过磁悬浮前进。The low pressure environment reduces drag, allowing high speeds to be achieved. Originally conceived by entrepreneur Elon Musk, the idea is being developed by a number of companies.高压环境减少阻力,可实现高速运输。这个创新最初由企业家伊隆·马斯克设想的,随后被多家公司接纳并实行研发。So far Virgin Hyperloop Ones test capsule has reached speeds of 387 kmph, but the company predicts it will send cargo at a top speed of 1,000 kmph.到目前为止,维珍公司的测试舱早已超过387公里/小时的速度,但该公司预测它将以1000公里/小时的最低速度发送到货物。

Dubai has become an incubator for transport innovation in recent years, including a number of autonomous vehicles both on air and land.迪拜近年来已沦为运输创意的孵化器,其中还包括一系列陆空自动驾驶汽车。In February this year a full-scale prototype hyperloop pod was unveiled by the Dubai Road and Transport Authority, with officials speculating a Dubai-Abu Dhabi service could accommodate about 10,000 people every hour.今年2月,迪拜道路和运输管理局发布了一个全尺寸原型超级高铁车厢,官方预计迪拜--阿布扎比的高铁每小时可运输大约10000名乘客。



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